How It Works

Choose Your Print or Canvas
The number of trees funded will depend on the size of the print / canvas you choose, as well as whether it was created in collaboration with another party. Larger prints plant more trees, as do collaborative works. *Tip: Use the green search button in the top right corner of our website to look for "collaboration" pieces!

Select Your Planting Region

We Donate to Trees That Count
We donate the relevant proceeds from your print / canvas to Trees That Count. You'll receive an email from us confirming the number of trees being planted on your behalf through the conservation charity.

Trees Matched to Planters

Art for Native Forests
Proceeds from our sales directly support fellow small Kiwi businesses (without whom we could not exist), fund the planting of native trees through Trees That Count, and contribute to monthly donations made on behalf of our small business to the Maungatautari Ecological Island Reserve (Sanctuary Mountain), one of New Zealand’s most important and ambitious conservation projects. Your support of our small business makes this possible; we could not do this without you!